The service that Don Lee Margin provides is top of all the rest. Everything from the excellant customer service assistance of Crystal Chambers to the guys who delivery every friday is more than top quality. The time in which we place an order with Crystal thru to the time the product is on our shelves makes Don Lee Margin a top supplier to our company!
We have used Don-Lee Margin for years now at Little Caesars and we have always been satisfied with their quality of work and pricing, plus they have the best Customer Service! I would highly reccomend giving them a try if you haven't yet.
John Yoho
Little Ceasars
Donna ~ Retail sales customer
Here at our facility I always receive Excellent Service. Crystal, Jack & Denise go "Beyond" expectations. They see that we always have our supplies within a reasonable time and they go the extra mile for us. Don-Lee Margin is a superb company. Keep it up!
Heather Cannon ~ Carpet Cleaning
Thank you. The carpet looks fantastic and the spot by the couch are gone. Job well done! Don-Lee Does That great!